Sunday, December 29, 2019
What Skills Matter 2015s Top 5 Tech Careers - What You Need to Know
What Skills Matter 2015s Top 5 Tech Careers - What You Need to KnowWhat Skills Matter 2015s Top 5 Tech Careers - What You Need to KnowLadders data-backed report on this years top trending tech skills and job markets.We dont need to tell you the tech industry is hot. Its among the decades fastest-growing job markets, making it difficult to keep up with even when youre working in the industry. Whether youre an industry insider or considering a career change to this sector, its important to understand how the technology job market is evolving, and which skills are most in-demand so you can stay ahead of the competition and advance your career.To figure this out, we turned to Ladders newly launched Job Market Guide, which uses real-time data from our community of over 7 million employers and professionals across the nation. Our data science team then specifically analyzed current job openings and trending technical skills within the tech industry to determine which professionals are mos t in-demand by employers. Heres what they found2015 Top Trending Careers in Tech Senior Software EngineerJava DeveloperProduct ManagerWeb Developer.NET DeveloperHere are top takeaways from behauptung findings, and how these insights can be leveraged to strengthen your own career.The right stuff? SQL, Java, C++ and C are employer favorites.We first looked at the top five tech positions employers are most eager to fill, and the core competencies they expect the right candidate to possess. As you may have guessed, todays top tech jobs require a highly specialized set of skills. But which of these skills are currently most coveted by employers? Having in-depth knowledge of popular programming languages such as Java, C++, Javascript and C were the most common desires among recruiters.What does this mean for you? In the tech industry, its all about possessing the right expertise. Search for your location and current or target job in our Job Market Guide, then use the list of Desired Skill s to determine which competencies are essential to boost your career and stay ahead of the pack.The market is good and not just where you think.When it comes to the job market, national trends arent typically that insightful. Why? Location matters So rather than give you a blanketed ranking, we dug deeper and leveraged our Job Market Guide to also identify top trending markets for each of these roles based on cities with the highest current demand and greatest earning potential.What does this mean for you? If youre looking to prosper in the tech industry, you dont have to move to Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley to find an attractive job market. While cities like San Francisco and New York City top the charts for tech roles, Chicago, Washington, D.C. and Raleigh, North Carolina also appeared high on the list for a number of these positions. In fact, after factoring cost of living adjustments, you may even stand to earn more in a market like Boston or Washington, D.C.You dont need de cades of experience to be successful.A final point of interest common among top trending tech jobs is the level of experience these professionals hold. While some have 25-year careers, many are fresh to the industry with 5 years of experience or less. If youre interested in a tech career, its a great field to get into without the formal education barrier of other career paths. Check out the five hottest jobs in tech right now, and if they interest you, try resources like this list from Mashable or bootcamp from General Assembly to teach yourself the skills required to go for itCheck out the infographic below for a detailed look at these top trending careers in technology.
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Employee Buy-In to Promote Workplace Engagement
Employee Buy-In to Promote Workplace EngagementEmployee Buy-In to Promote Workplace EngagementWhen paid work was largely done in factories and most employees worked on an assembly line, you just needed them to show up and do the physical labor necessary to keep the line running. Employee buy-in consisted of employees showing up to work. You measured workplace engagement by whether the assembly line kept running. If you wanted to change a process, you simply changed it and told employees that from now on, instead of standing here and doing this they would stand there and do that. You dont live in that society anymore. Very few people work in manufacturing and even if you do, employees wont be happy with a very hard top-down management style. Employee buy-in and workplace engagement have become very important to the success of your business. What is Employee Buy-In? You need employees to agree with your decisions. When they do agree, and they think the decision is heading the busin ess in the right direction, they will buy-into the changes, policies, procedures or whatever it is youre adding or changing. Its impossible to have everyone in a business of any size agree 100 percent with every change, but thats notlage necessary for employee buy-in. You dont need employees that eagerly rubber stamp whatever comes out of the corner office. You need them to support it. Whats the difference between agreeing and supporting? Well, you will receive employee support even when your employees dont agree perfectly if they understand and believe in how the senior team made the decision. When they believe that the leadership team has not only the best interest of the shareholders but the best interest of the staff in mind, then they are likely to support the changes. Whether your employees buy into a decision depends on two important issues the character of the leadership team and how the leadership team arrived at the decision. Character Counts in Employee Buy-In If you have a CEO who routinely treats people poorly, denies vacation, screams, insults, and steals leistungspunkt, even if shes truly come up with something that is even better than sliced bread, you wont get employee buy-in. You probably didnt have good engagement before the change either, and making a change certainly wont change those attitudes. On the other hand, if your CEO treats people fairly, listens, praises, and gives credit where credit is due when she makes a decision, people are likely to trust it. They figure that she must know something they dont. This is true at every level of the business. If people dont admire, trust, and even like their supervisor or their department head, youll find pushback on the smallest of changes. Employees wont buy in because theyve been burned before. How You Made the Decision Elicits Employee Buy-In If your senior leadership team asks for feedback and truly considers it, and employees see that their feedback was heeded, they will feel engag ed in the process. If you make a change that affects certain employees and yet consulted none of them, they will rightly become concerned and worried. Youve seen disasters happening in this area. For instance, United Airlines launched a program that replaced employee bonuses with a lottery in which instead of all employees receiving a small bonus, a few people received huge bonuses. Employee and public backlash were severe and United Airlines dropped the program. They could have avoided this epic failure if the senior team had included the affected employees in the decision-making process. Sometimes, you need to make decisions at the top, but again, if you have a good track record in decision making and you seek input when possible, people will likely buy-in to the change you want to see. How Employee Buy-In Affects Engagement Employee engagement is simply having people who are actively focused on their work and interested in what they do. This doesnt require purely fascinating work sometimes work is just work. But, people have to feel as if their presence and contribution make a difference. If they buy-in to the changes and direction in which the company is going, you will also have employees who are engaged in their jobs. Engaged employees work harder. They treat customers better. They know that their management supports them and cares about them and their opinions. Employees who see the value in programs and policies will embrace them. If your employees and your management team work together, youll have better productivity. You cant just assume that, because youre the boss, your employees will do whatever you say. Of course, you can discipline up to and including termination if they dont, but theyll do a much better job if they are engaged and have buy-in. If you notice an employee rolling her eyes, or complaining about how things are going, do take her aside and listen. You may learn something you didnt know. You maylearn you need to make a change. How you handle one objector also impacts the others on your team. They need to know they can speak up if needed. It may not change the outcome, but listening solves a lot of problems. Employee engagement is important in leadership. Getting employee buy-in helps you get that engagement. - Suzanne Lucas is a freelance writer and former human resources professional with over 10 years of experience.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Creative Writing Exercises for New Short Story Ideas
Creative Writing Exercises for New Short Story IdeasCreative Writing Exercises for New Short Story IdeasSometimes the hardest part of writing is figuring out what to do with that blank page. Coming up with a new short story ideadoesnt have to be painful, however. Outlined below are some short story exercises designed to get you writing- and hopefully on your way to a new short story. Freewriting At the very least, freewriting forces you to put words on the page- a good departure toward curing writers block. Ideally, however, youll find yourself writing about ideas and situations worth greater exploration. Set your timer for 5 minutes and write without taking your pencil off the paper. Whatever comes to mind should be written. Once you are done, take a breath and see what you have written. Even a sentence fragment can be used to start a new short story. Secrets This popular writing exercise for groups or pairs uses secrets to suggest plots and themes you might not write about normally. Your little secret could give someone big ideas. Writing From Pictures Photographs or other images often suggest a narrative. Working alone, in pairs, or in groups, discover a story you wouldnt have thought of on your own. Check out the literary magazine and podcast People Holding, which assigns photos to authors to write about Dictionary Writing Prompts Sometimes simply using new words can inspire your writing to take a new direction. In this exercise, a few words chosen at random will provide a new focus for the days writing. Idea Box abflug collecting words, phrases, images and objects that inspire you so that when writers block strikes, you have a place to turn. Memories Write down a list of memories. Try to be as specific as possible. Then go back and try to figure out why each memory is important. What did the moment mean, and why did it stay with you? Is there a secondary memory that goes along with it? Is there a way to see the situation differently now than when you experienced it? Try writing the memory from another characters point-of-view. How do the two perspectives clash? What is the reasoning behind each of the actions? Is there a misunderstanding? Now write that story Eavesdrop Get out of your office or bed and go to a local coffee shop. Get a coffee and just listen. People talk loud enough for you to hear, and their words, out of context, can go anywhere you want them to. Collect random sentences from strangers and start a story with each one. Recycle Often you will be inspired by just reading your old work and can finish the original story you started. If that doesnt work, go back to an old story you never finished and randomly pick a line from it. Start a new story about something completely different, simply using that first line. Key to All Short Story Exercises Remember to save all your work. You never know when you will be inspired by a story you previously felt you could not finish. Or you might be able to take partial stories and make an entirely new one.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Licensure and Certification Two Different Forms of Professional Credentials
Licensure and Certification Two Different Forms of Professional Credentials Licensure and Certification Two Different Forms of Professional Credentials Licensure and Certification Two Different Forms of Professional CredentialsBY MITCHELL A. THORNTON, PH.D., P.E. Reprinted with permission from Todays Engineer (May 2014) Copyright 2014 IEEE.Professional credentials can come in many gestalts including experience, education, licensure, and certification. While experience and education are self-explanatory, the differences between licensure and certification are not as clear. The American Association of Engineering Societies (AAES) recently released a new lokalitt paper entitled What is the Difference Between Licensing and Certification for Engineering? This informative position paper is freely available to all interested persons and is accessible from theAAES website.The position paper was produced by the Professional Licensure Working Group (PLWG) within AAES. AAES is a multidisciplina ry organization comprised of professional engineering societies including IEEE. The mission of AAES is To serve as one voice for the U.S. engineering profession. This relatively young organization was founded in 1979 with the idea that effectiveness in public awareness and public policy could be maximized through all the various engineering societies that represent specific disciplines joining together and leveraging member resources. Within the AAES, there are several working groups composed of members from the various societies including the PLWG.The PLWG recognized that a wide array of certifications exist among the various disciplines and that these certifications along with PE and other licenses can lead to confusion among those who are evaluating credentials. With this viewpoint in mind, the PLWG embarked on a survey and study that ultimately resulted in the production of the position paper.Licensure is generally the process by which an authoritative body, such as the governme nt, grants permission to an individual to engage in a particular activity. Certification is generally in the form of recognition granted by a non-governmental agency signifying that an individual possess specialized knowledge or skills. While it is not the intent of this article to summarize the position paper, some of the typical differentiating factors between a license and a certification are listed here.Typical Characteristics of LicensureLicensure requires some form of demonstration of minimal competence in engaging in an activity in a safe manner.The licensed activity is usually one that could result in damage to public health, safety, or welfare if practiced by an incompetent individual.Licenses in the US are usually granted at the state rather than the federal level based on interpretations of constitutional law.Licenses are often time-limited and require some form of continuing educational requirement on the part of the licensee.Licensure requires demonstration of some degr ee of competence as determined through testing or verifiable and applicable experience.Licensure may require prerequisite levels of education in specific bodies of knowledge.Typical Characteristics of CertificationIn contrast to the concept of minimal competence, certifications vary widely in scope with some granted for the demonstration of basic knowledge and others requiring sophisticated mastery of an advanced topic.Certification is often a voluntary credential that is not required by an authoritative body.Certifying bodies are often professional organizations or even commercial entities.Some certifications are designed to produce a revenue stream as well as designation in the form of a credential.Perhaps another term should be mentioned within this discussion of credentialing instruments that of registration. Registration is in some sense a mora general term since it simply means that one is listed on a roster or registry. From this point of view, being registered can apply to a maintained list of licensees or of those holding certifications. It is common to see reference to a registered professional engineer and while this may be technically correct, it is more common today to find the terms licensed professional engineer in regard to those holding the PE credential.In summary, both licensure and registration are valid forms of credentials and each has its own unique purpose in the engineering profession. One of the most important purposes of a credential is to allow those who are unskilled in an area to evaluate or to obtain some degree of confidence in those who are skilled. From this point of view the AAES position paper is a valuable source of information for those who are seeking a qualified individual to perform professional services. The position paper is also useful for working engineers in that it clarifies the differences and similarities of the licensure and certification.Mitchell A. Thornton, Ph.D., P.E., is a professor of computer science and engineering and a professor of electrical engineering at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He is a member of IEEE-USAs Licensure and Registration Committee.
Monday, December 9, 2019
The War Against Genie Customer Service
The War Against Genie Customer Service Heres What I Know About Genie Customer Service Finding the very best garage door opener for your circumstances isnt so hard after you determine your wants. You are going to need a pro to replace a busted spring. DIY garage door repair has never been simpler or cheaper. The technician proved to be a true professional and a specialist. Our garage door specialists can assist you in finding and install the ideal business garage door for your demands. How to Choose Genie Customer Service The chain produces a racket, but maybe thats an excellent thing as soon as your teenagers are sneaking out. The rest of the companies wouldnt replace diving boards. When it has to do with products which are constantly used, you need to get assured that if something stops working, that you are going to be taken care of. You also have to have all the devices you will reprogram on hand before you begin. Genie Customer Service - the Story All of your own per sonal details, including your anthroponym and number plate, will be deleted from the computer system. If you dont observe any information on Twitter you will need to become in touch with Onestream customer services utilizing the details above. The major advantage you receive from installing the control process is the security. In the majority of cases its possible to troubleshoot the system and correct the cause of issues. Genie Customer Service Features A standard myth about our Mattress Genie is that you require a head board and footboard, which isnt correct. Car Genie is continuously checking your vehicles battery voltage. Since the Mattress Genie permits you to correct the incline, the inflatable bed wedge also permits you to locate superior comfort for relief from assorted ailments. Garage door openers usually have a remote control in addition to the sensor that receives the signal. Always purchase from a reliable brand once it comes to products like garage door opene rs. Thus, theres a line of Genie garage door openers provided by Westside Wholesale at the most inexpensive rates. It is possible to also continue reading to learn mora concerning the ordinary lifespan of openers and when you need to replace them Should you own and Allstar opener, weve got a significant number of Allstar manuals here. If your opener is quite old, particularly if it was manufactured before 1993, it might be more complicated to locate a manual. Ryobis garage door opener was made to be utilized with a suite of unique modules. Finding the most suitable garage door opener can be hard. Open Sesame can be synced across any range of smartphones you decide on, so everyone in your house can have accessibility to your garage door. People in your home could end up being shut down by the door. Garage doors may display an assortment of symptoms whenever the sensors need attention. When youre all set to provide your house a makeover, Overhead Door Company of St. Louis has the finest quality garage doors in the region.The remote has two buttons that may be utilised to control two garage doors from various manufacturers or various frequencies. When it has to do with professional commercial and residential components, operators, receivers, or other products, we work hard to make certain that you get the proper garage door remote the very first time. To seek out the learn button you might have to eliminate the light cover on the opener. You should have the ability to discover the ideal garage door remote and opener for your requirements by utilizing the aforementioned lists. The Fight Against Genie Customer Service The pros at Doors West know our company is just as great as the products we supply, which is exactly why we offer simply the highest quality. The Mattress Genie provides a bedrngnis as expensive solution for addressing the exact wellbeing and comfort desires a mechanical bed was made to do. The learn button holds all of the information of your current controller. By spending only a few minutes of your schedule, you will not simply obtain the code, but also all the instructions you must utilize it right and delight in a discount. If you would like to chat about any personal info, please make certain you have your membership number and postcode to hand. If you dont already have the service package you could think about ordering it first so that you dont have to cover the new equipment.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Foolproof Resume Writing for People over 50 Strategy
The Foolproof Resume Writing for People over 50 Strategy Where to Find Resume Writing for People over 50 Depending on the essence of your work, it could be advantageous to supply specific facts about the programs youve used. Stick to the standard education and experience format, but be sure your resume can lead prospective employers to your on-line presence, Collamer states. The time allotted to finish your program was calculated dependent on the quantity of hours for each program, and therefore dont be concerned too much about not completing in time. Youre able to register and initiate the program after youre ready. The Characteristics of Resume Writing for People over 50 Find people working at companies youre targeting for work and after that follow them on social networking, too. You want to prove that youve got tech abilities and you have to be out there on social networking. Social media isnt just a younger persons internet playground. Many examples and templates are o ffered on the web, he states. Resume Writing for People over 50 - Is it a Scam? Be certain that your resume is simple to read and conveys the critical points quickly. Then possibly a work-at-home career for a proofreader is your calling. As you are competing with job seekers whove been on steady career tracks, do whats vital to compete successfully. Its not simple to create a winning resume no matter the work seekers age. The Upside to Resume Writing for People over 50 At precisely the same time, there is not any need to emphasize your age. Lots of people worry they are going to have dicke bretter bohren mssen locating a job if theyre over 50 decades old. The majority of the time the individuals that are reading the resume really dont have a thing to do with the job and dont have any direct experience with it. By way of example, exclude things about your last job which you did not like. To assist you land one, get prepared to compose a good cover letter. For instance, i f you managed a team, state how a lot of people you managed. The second half of the cover message is a great distributions-mix to achieve that. Use nice paper and a high-quality printer to demonstrate that youre seriously interested in the job. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Resume Writing for People over 50 Given their tenure at work, job seekers over 40 are more inclined to offer you a great deal of specific accomplishments. Folks that are short think they arent being hired since they are short. Resume writing is the main step in presenting your skills to employers and receiving the job that you desire. The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Writing for People over 50 You might be able to come across a business directory through Google or LinkedIn. Its simple to create a profile and commence linking to new contacts. You also desire a no-nonsense email address as a portion of your contact details. For instance, the job may require someone with expert-level exp erience by means of a software program, which usually means you learn how to manipulate every function. Concentrate on transferable skills that you obtained from different jobs or previous experiences. Furthermore, illustrate youve got the ideal skills for the job. Highlight the experiences that youre the proudest of. It is preferable to concentrate on your experience in the place of a particular objective. What You Need to Do About Resume Writing for People over 50 Starting in the Next Three Minutes Some try to work out methods to hide the simple fact they are over 50. An upbeat tone in your resume makes you sound as a go-getter, somebody who will strive to observe the finest in every scenario. Volunteering helps you meet new people, learn new abilities, and receive a better feeling of the kind of work you would like to do. The fact of the matter is anyone can begin a blog, regardless of what their age
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